Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fashion's Night Out

So today kicks off fashion week and I must say that I have been ready for these shows. I am actually ready for tonite which is Fashion's Night Out. I first heard about it when I was in India and I thought it was something exclusive to there, but apparently everyone across the world is doing it. I got a personal email from my friend at Dolce & Gabbana he told me that they are doing free giveaways and drinks all nite until 11. I thought I was special because it was the same type of email I get for personal events and then I saw the emails from a ton of other designers and stores that I rarely shop at. Everyone is invited to a ton of stores and boutiques all around the city. A ton of giveaways. Designers will be doing in store appearances (Zanotti and Donna Karan will be at Saks) and there are a ton of discounts, from what I hear. Check out for more details. I will be all over tonite and probably do a ton of shows too. good luck